We must become the designers of our own life

Live vicariously through Kimberly C. Paul as she shares personal stories and the life lessons she has learned while working with hospice patients over the last 18 years. Each chapter will inspire you to design your own life and death around what matters most.

We must become the designer of our own destination. We must learn how to build the pathways to our last chapter by creating the blueprints that reflect our individual lives and values. During this podcast, as we share interviews with hospice and palliative care experts, authors, and artists.

Since her book, Bridging the Gap, was published on April 13th, 2018, Kimberly is on to her next adventure of speaking throughout the United States. But she is doing it a little differently than anyone expected. In June 2018, she bought an RV, downsized her belongings and hit the road!
READ MOREOne Day this all Ends. Plan to Live Boldly.
Kimberly C. Paul is a lifelong storyteller. From writing a end-of-life materials and blog, to producing television and radio commercials, to working on the sets of Saturday Night Live and CBS daytime television, she has a passion for engaging audiences.
After nearly 20 years working in hospice, becoming a speaker about end of life, death, and dying, was a natural transition for her. In 2015, she wowed audiences with her Tedx Talk, “Who’s That?” and challenged people to stop ignoring the elephant in the room. She has also presented at national, state, regional, and community symposiums about hospice and end-of-life planning.
I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Kimberly for many years at our hospice organization. I witnessed first hand how her passion and knowledge inspired others to become advocates for their own healthcare and end of life planning, directly impacting the number of patients and families we were able to serve. I am humbled by how many lives she continues to change!
Rebecca Peirce, End of Life Consultant
“I am a blogger focused on Grief and Positive Aging. When Kimberly contacted me for an interview for her new podcast, Death by Design, I was intrigued. Her experiences of both personal loss and years of hospice work make her a unique resource on death and dying. Her passion and zeal for planning ahead make her a unique resource on life and living it to the very end…by design. I am looking forward to learning a great deal from this wise, witty, wonderful woman!”
Ginny McKinney, Marshmallow Ranch
Our ‘Peaceful Transitions Team’ had only met 4 times when Kimberly C. Paul brought the ‘Live Well Die Well Tour’ to The Farm in Summertown, TN.. Even though home deaths as well as home births have been common occurrences in our Community since the early 1970’s it was Kimberly who introduced an open conversation about death and dying. Following three full days of discussions, movies, music, dance, stories, concerns, and shared meals, we now find ourselves gathering weekly to continue the forward movement which Kimberly initiated. Everyone who attended any part of the ‘Tour’ felt a deep connection with Kimberly as she introduced us to an incredible array of new material. Many thanks to you, Kimberly for your courageous, contagious sincerity and we eagerly anticipate your return to The Farm someday for a ‘Live Well Die Well Refresher Tour’.
Kathy Hughes Member of Peaceful Transition Team, The Farm Community, Summertown TN
It was obvious from the start of our conversation that Kimberly is passionate about end of life education. She was well prepared for our discussion and as knowledgeable about my resources as I could have hoped. Kimberly is a terrific asset to our end of life educators community!
Barbara Karnes Award Winning End of Life Educator and Award Winning Author, Barbara Karnes Books