I have worked with Kimberly in hospice care for nearly 15 years and have always been impressed with her ability to find, create, and appreciate the beauty in life…and in death.  Her unique vision and creativity have changed the way people view end of life and I, for one, am excited to see the manifestations of this next step in her life’s work!

Jason Clamme, Lower Cape Fear Hospice

North Carolina

[restabs alignment=”osc-tabs-left” pills=”nav-pills” responsive=”false”]
[restab title=”Advance Directives” active=”active”]
North Carolina Joint Healthcare Power of Attorney and Living Will Joint Form English
NC MOST Form Sample English
[restab title=”State Resources”]
AARP North Carolina
Alzheimer’s NC
Donate Life NC
Lower Cape Fear Hospice & LifeCareCenter
North Carolina Bar Association
North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services
North Carolina Division on Aging & Adult Services
North Carolina Medical Society
North Carolina Partnership for Compassionate Care
UNC Institute on Aging
[restab title=”National Resources”]
Aging with Dignity (Five Wishes)
Alzheimer’s Association
American Bar Association
Begin the Conversation
Caring Connections
Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care
Center for Practical Bioethics
Consider the Conversation

Death by Design Podcast
Donate Life America

Lasting Matters
National Cancer Institute
National Healthcare Decisions Day
National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization
National Institute on Aging
National POLST Paradigm

My Life My Wishes
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
U.S. Living Will Registry